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Game scripts

Game scripts, sometimes referred to as cloud scripts, are a powerful tool for game developers that enable them to write code in JavaScript format and execute it on remote servers. By leveraging this feature, game creators can improve the security of their games and prevent cheating.

For instance, certain game mechanics such as awarding experience points or granting rewards when a player reaches a certain level could be easily tampered with if the logic is executed on the game client-side. To mitigate this risk, developers can move these functions to the cloud and run them on the server-side, thus reducing the risk of players modifying the game code.

By utilizing game scripts, developers can not only ensure the integrity of their games but also enhance the gameplay experience for players. Game scripts can facilitate complex game mechanics, such as real-time matchmaking or dynamic in-game events, that would be challenging or impossible to implement on the client-side alone.

Overall, game scripts are a powerful tool that can help game developers create more secure and engaging games while also preventing cheating and improving the player experience.

Create game scripts

Open Liveops tools and select Game Scripts on the sidebar (

Press the button + new game script then input the name

game script

write some functions as you want

/** script: GAMEPLAY */

function helloWorld (args){
return args;
export {

All functions in export will be set to public and it can be called from the game client

import internal modules

you can import another module by using

import { updateInventory, todayDate } from "_global"

above code import function updateInventory and todayDate from _global

import * as _global from "_global"

this code import module _global

import external modules

will be supported soon


click button 1679482317769.png to open debug tab

Use the function console.log to show logs on the console

playerId set current player id

function name script function wants to run

params pass params to function

Builtin functions


functions to work with the player

playerService.playerId//  get current player id
playerService.get // a function to get data of player
playerService.update// a function to update data for player


/** script: GAMEPLAY */

async function updatePlayerLevel({level}) {
const profile = await playerService.get('PROFILE');
console.log(profile) // show player profile info

const result = await playerService.update('PROFILE', {
level: level ?? 1 // update level for player
return result;
export {

and test


blueprintService.get //get blueprint


async function getItemTable(){
let itemTable = await blueprintService.get("ItemTable"); //get bluperint name ItemTable
export {

Share Data

shareDataService.get // get share data
shareDataService.update // update share data


* create clan
async function createClan({ info }) {
const clanId = utilsService.genId();
const clan = await shareDataService.update("CLAN", clanId, {
description: info.description,
maxMember: 50,
members: [
id: playerService.playerId,
role: "Leader"
joinCondition: {
requiredLevel: info.requiredLevel
return clan
export {



 authService {
* package jwks-rsa
const jwks;
* package jsonwebtoken
const jwt;
* package google-auth-library
const googleAuth;
* Get access token of a playerId
* @param params {playerId: string} - an object containing playerId
* @returns promise<{accessToken}> - an object containing accessToken
function getAccessToken(params: object): Promise;


 utilsService {
* generate id
genId: utils.genId,
* package uuid
uuid: uuid

Fetch external API


async function callApi() {
const url = ''
const response = await fetch(url)
const data = await response.json()
return data
export {